Another article on airborne mould samples provides guidelines for interpreting numerical data of viable air samples. To see the guidelines for non-viable air samples click Guidelines for Interpreting Non-viable Air Samples. The guidelines may be used to decide whether further investigations are required after initial investigations. As was indicated in the last Issue, numerical laboratory […]
Airborne Fungal Spores: Non-viable and viable Air Sampling Methods
Which Sampling Method Should One Use for Airborne Fungal Spores? Concerns about health issues, especially allergic reactions from inhaling fungal spores, has made air sampling an important component of indoor mold investigation. Air can either be sampled onto some growth media for culture analysis (a.k.a viable or culturable samples) or on a sticky surface or […]
How To Interpret Laboratory Results for Airborne Fungal (Mould) Samples
Laboratory results for airborne mould and bacteria concentrations can be difficult to interpret for two major reasons. Maximum exposure limits have not been set Currently, there are no set maximum exposure limits (MELs) or threshold level values for airborne indoor mould and bacteria concentrations. Setting MELs would be difficult for reasons which include limitations in […]