Legionella testing typically involves collecting water samples and surface swabs from evaporative cooling basins, shower heads, faucets/taps, and other locations where warm water collects.
Legionella is the cause of legionnaire’s disease (or Legionellosis). The risk factors for Legionellosis in decreasing order of importance are heavy smoking, chronic lung disease, the elderly, and the immunosuppressed.
A recent study documented 76 cases of pediatric Legionellosis in children under 1 year of age or children with underlying medical conditions such as malignancy or immunosuppression.
Legionnaires’ disease (the most severe form of Legionellosis) is a form of pneumonia that is caused by inhalation or aspiration of bacteria that belong to the family Legionellaceae .
Legionella is an aerobic Gram negative bacterium common in many environments including cooling towers, large central air conditioning systems, domestic hot water systems, fountains, spas, hot tubs, humidifiers and shower heads. In nature, Legionella is found in fresh water ponds and creeks.
It has more than 48 species with Legionella pneumophila as the most common causative agent of Legionnaires disease.
Legionnaires’ disease (the most severe form of Legionellosis) is a form of pneumonia that occurs when one inhales mist droplets containing the bacterium. Other species of Legionella known to cause legionnaire’s disease include Legionella longbeachiae and Legionella micdadei. Direct transmission of Legionella between people is not known.
Legionella Testing in Water Samples
Legionella Testing is generally performed in water and swab samples. If you would like to know more aboutLegionella or our Legionella testing services, please give us a call or check out our newsletter: Legionella pneumophila: More than just a Legionnaire’s Disease.
Or you can learn more about our other Laboratory Testing Services.