Chaetomium is a cellulolytic mould commonly found in soil, air, and decaying plant material. There are about 80 species of Chaetomium. The most common ones are Chaetomium atrobrunneum, C. funicola, C. globosum, and C. murorum. In indoor environments the most common species of Chaetomium is Chaetomium globosum. C. globosum is frequently isolated in water-damaged buildings […]
Aureobasidium pullulans is a spoilage organism, especially a deteriogenic agent of painted surfaces. It is a commonly encountered species in wet buildings. Aureobasidium pullulans is both a soil and leaf (phylloplane) fungus. In indoor environments, it is very common on wet wood and window frames, in floor, carpet, and mattress dust, damp walls, and in […]
Aspergillus: Should It Worry You?
The mold Aspergillus has close to 200 species and varieties. Aspergillus is widely distributed from the arctic region to the tropics. Aspergillus species are frequently found in air and soil.As concerns indoor air quality the most important species are Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicolor. Aspergillus: Should It Worry You If […]
Alternaria: A Well Recognized Allergy Causing Fungus…
The mold Alternaria is a well recognized allergy causing fungus. Alternaria spores can be detected from spring through late fall in most temperate areas, and can reach levels of thousands of spores per cubic meter of air. Alternaria spores can be at their highest concentrations during dry, windy conditions that are ideal for the spores […]
Acremonium is a fungal genus formerly known as Cephalosporium. It is a widespread mold currently believed to contain about 100 species. Most species of this mold exist as saprophytes, being isolated from dead plant material and soil. Some species are parasites of plants and animals capable of causing serious infections. A few species are widely […]